Netwalking Warwickshire - Kenilworth
Improve your wellbeing and grow your business through Netwalking!
Service Description
- Are you a business owner? - Would you like to look after your physical wellbeing? - Are you struggling to find the time to exercise more? - Do you care about your mental wellbeing? - Do you get stuck about new ideas, or business development? - would you like to connect with other business owners but can't face speaking in front of other people to deliver your pitch? If you answered YES to any of those questions, you may benefit from attending our Netwalking Warwickshire events! Organised by Activate Coaching, these informal sessions combine walking in nature, networking and coaching. What you can expect from Netwalking Warwickshire: - About 60 minutes of easy/moderate exercise, led by a UK-Athletics qualified Run Leader. - Being introduced to other local businesses and having the opportunity to chat 1-2-1 with them. - Being invited to reflect on an area of personal or business growth, supervised by a qualified coach. - Being able to work around an issue you are happy to discuss with another person, trivial or serious. - Optional hot drinks and additional opportunity to network, depending on location. Not only you'll be looking after your physical health, and your mental health, but being outside and being in movement is proven to be ideal conditions for creativity and innovation. So your business will benefit from it too! Come and join us - we look forward to meeting you! ***Practical information*** - We start at 10am promptly - Wear appropriate clothing (check the weather!) and walking shoes or trainers - There are a few on-street parking spots (CV8 2HR & nearby) - You can also park at Abbey Fields car park (CV8 1BQ), which is free-of-charge for 2 hours and is a 10-15min walk from our starting point. - Public facilities: The nearest WC will be in Abbey Fields (a 10-15min walk from our starting point)

Contact Details
+ 44 7538571809