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A coaching programme is a set of conversations about transformation.


Coaching supports people to move from good to great.


A coach will listen to your objectives and concerns, and through powerful questions, will help you think differently about a situation and come up with appropriate and practical solutions and actions. 

At Activate Coaching we use a range of tools tailored to your needs and personal preferences. Your goals and accomplishments are at the heart of your coaching programme and we take pride in seeing you succeed.


Whether you're new to coaching or have been coached before, it's a good idea to first talk to our Serotonin Builder. That first chat is  all about mind chemistry, trust, and about making you confident that coaching will give you the right tools to navigate your journey.


All conversations are strictly confidential and abide by the Association for Coaching's Global Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Give us a call, we look forward to hearing from you!

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